Process: Natural We Taste: Juicy Mango & Blueberry with Soft Watermelon Undertones Roast Level: Light
The Guji zone is part of an area of southern Ethiopia that has been home to the Oromo people for centuries. Even today, most of the residents in this area are from the same people group. Some have lived here for generations, while others have moved to Guji more recently from the eastern part of Oromia as part of government relocation programs. Originally pastoralists, many rural Oromos are now farmers – like the Mulish farmers. The Mulish farmers and their families usually work on fields that are – on average – about four hectares in area. In addition to coffee, they also rear cattle and keep bees for honey.
The Mormora river and its tributaries water the land around Mulish. The soil is rich and fertile, and in some places, as deep as two meters. The forests are home to tall old trees reaching into the skies and providing wonderful shade, perfect for the coffee trees. Before the Mulish washing station arrived, the coffee farmers from this area of Guji zone had to make long, arduous trips to get their coffee to washing stations as there were none close by. They also did not have a school in the area – something that the Mulish team helped establish.
While Guji coffee is now classified separately from Sidamo and Yirgacheffe coffees, that does not mean all Guji coffee tastes the same. Ethiopia is home to many different landraces and varietals of coffee (some estimates put this number as high as 10,000!), and the Guji zone is home to quite a few landraces of its own.
Add to this the fact that different areas in Guji have different altitudes, different types of forests, and different soil types, and you have a brilliant plethora of unique profiles. So, while Mulish coffee is a Guji coffee, it has its own unique flavor, featuring fruity notes and a hint of chocolate.